My place is "family" so far because I have noticed that my main focus in life is family. I feel like my place is more of a mental place branching off of my family because it is not about my house, it is about the people I live with.

1. Who: The characters in my story are my dad, me, my sisters Belinda and Ally and my brothers John and Dominick. There are a few other characters such as my mom, who is mostly "gone" from the place of my family and my step mom who plays a role in my families past, but is not there in present day. However, the effects she had on our lives is lasting.
2. What: The connection I feel to my place, or family, is a strong one because I am very family oriented. I have always been there to protcet my family and help them grow.
3. When: It is present tense, but mostly done in flashback form. Like I am looking back on the things that made my "place" so important to me. Starting as far back and whe  I was 11 and my parents got a divorce.
4. Where: The place as I have said is my "family" it is more of a mental place instead of a tangible place.
5. Why: This story happened becasue I was rambling about the pressure I feel as the oldest child and from that ramble I found that my place, where everything in my life is centered and familiar is my family.
6. How: It was on my mind so I wrote it out after noticing that many of my tweets were of a "mental" place, I decided that my twitterive would be