My place is "family" so far because I have noticed that my main focus in life is family. I feel like my place is more of a mental place branching off of my family because it is not about my house, it is about the people I live with.

1. Who: The characters in my story are my dad, me, my sisters Belinda and Ally and my brothers John and Dominick. There are a few other characters such as my mom, who is mostly "gone" from the place of my family and my step mom who plays a role in my families past, but is not there in present day. However, the effects she had on our lives is lasting.
2. What: The connection I feel to my place, or family, is a strong one because I am very family oriented. I have always been there to protcet my family and help them grow.
3. When: It is present tense, but mostly done in flashback form. Like I am looking back on the things that made my "place" so important to me. Starting as far back and whe  I was 11 and my parents got a divorce.
4. Where: The place as I have said is my "family" it is more of a mental place instead of a tangible place.
5. Why: This story happened becasue I was rambling about the pressure I feel as the oldest child and from that ramble I found that my place, where everything in my life is centered and familiar is my family.
6. How: It was on my mind so I wrote it out after noticing that many of my tweets were of a "mental" place, I decided that my twitterive would be
After reading Anzaldua and choosing the line from her work I created a story from it. I think my story is diffent in tone at least, but similar in content. I used a line that was in spanish that translated to "And you know what he did?". The tone of her work was more serious and my story was more pensive and curious. Her main character was strong and intense, but the main theme was the boundary language can set between people. Also when I made my micro fiction from my tweets, the tone completely changed from idle information into a story about distraction and white noise. After completeling these two micro fictions, I began work on the found poem and the haiku. The haiku from my microfictions, is so different from the stories becasue it is shorter and more intense. I found using less words made me think more about the meaning I was trying to convey. I wanted the reader to get a sense of open, emptiness and the narrator was okay with this. Also in the found poem I feel like from my tweets I created a jouney from the place of a jeep. Its like a road trip but more focused on the raod trip of the realtionship. I found it was hard to arrange my thoughts into  a poem.