After reading this piece I decided to focus on the section labeled "Finding your way". This section is focused on why, as writers or even not writers, should write down a narrative of their lives and memories. The opening paragraph really spoke to me because I can relate. One moment I will be focused on the terrible stress of my minimal pay and high cell phone bill, or the fact that my fridge had been bare for weeks and all I have eaten is a Quaker Chewy Bar my best friend gave to me. T Then the next I am all smiles because the sun is setting and the sky is orange and purple. "The world is a hard place." ( Pagnucci).
I completely agree, this is why people tend to enjoy the smaller things like watching a baby laugh. However, the bad things are memories that are important to our character and recording them can do many things. For instance Pagnucci refrences Tim O'Brien, who happens to be one of my favorite authors. The Things They Carried is an amazing novel and its powerful. This is why it is a good example of narrative writing and the good that can come out of it. It can be thereapudic or simply there to record the goings on of your life.
"To live the narrative life, then, is to open yourself up to the possibilities of stories, to give yourself over to them, to trust them. Stories are a kind of magic. Simple magic, really, but magic all the same. If we tell our own stories, preserve them, study them, we can find in our stories some of the answers for which we're looking." (Pagnucci). This last paragraph made me decide that I want to record my life in a narritve and see what kinds of stories can surface. It is interesting that most people do not realize that as humans we are born storytellers, it is just a matter of documenting and writing down these stories/ memories that posses a problem.
I want to begin leading a narrative life.