Both of these readings use place to enhance the stories plot. For instance in Joyce's, "An Encounter", the setting is Dublin and by describing the place Joyce makes the story more realistic. Place is important to the plot becasue they skip school to go to a place called Pigeon House and in order to get there they must take a boat and travel through somethign like a countryside. This is where they encounter the "queer' old man. I think it is important that they are outside, far from their school in a rural setting because it give the story a good tone and direction. It also makes it beleiveable. As for Gopnik's story, "Winter Circus", the place is equally important but more for setting a tone or feeling than directing the plot. Circus's tend to have certain connotations attacked to them such as; weird people or carnies, animals, odd smells, and even scary things. This is important to the tone of the story. It makes the reader feel a certain way while Gopnik describes what each charater is doing. For instance when the narrator describes taking Luke to the circus in the winter at the Winter Circus. Also the fact that this takes place in Paris holds a certain connotation. Paris is the city of love and it is associated with sex, or at least it was. The narrator goes into an explanation of this reputation and the fact that the place defines so many things about this city is important. Place is a large part of stories and in life. The story wouldnt hae been as effective if it took place in Kansas City. That is why place is important to people. It makes things realistic and believeable.